Support Women’s Health
“Communities and countries and ultimately the world are only as strong as the health of their women.”
— Michelle Obama
We partner with Days for Girls International to provide sustainable feminine hygiene solutions and health education to girls and women in the Ouelessebougou area. We share Days for Girls’ goal to “empower every woman and girl to become an Ambassador of Women’s Health in her school, her neighborhood and her community.”
Our Days for Girls (DfG) project aligns with our health and education initiatives as well as promoting economic development opportunities. In the arena of health, girls and women are able to prevent disease, engage in vital conversations about women’s health and safety, and have access to sustainable feminine hygiene solutions.
Feminine Hygiene Solutions
Days for Girls Enterprise
In November 2017, the Alliance started a Days for Girls enterprise — the first ever in Mali. A DfG enterprise is structured as a local business partnership with exclusive licensing access to the patented DfG Kit design and education curriculum. The Mali staff saw a need to implement a long-term sustainable solution to the growing demand for feminine hygiene solutions which included sourcing DfG kits in Ouelessebougou. At the Alliance’s compound, women work as tailors to sew and sell DfG kits to the community at a subsidized cost. They are also DfG Ambassadors and help the Mali staff provide feminine health education in the Alliance’s 25 villages.
Why is women’s health important in Mali?
Inadequate menstrual solutions and health education can pose a major obstacle for girls and women in Mali.
Menstrual health management is very challenging when there is a lack of access to hygienic sanitary supplies and training. Stigmas attached to periods can lead to culture of shame which limits the ability for girls and women to fully and equally participate in society. We believe sustainable feminine solutions and health education is the answer for empowerment.
Learn more by watching the video: