Support Malaria Prevention
“Defeating malaria is absolutely critical to ending poverty, improving the health of millions, and enabling future generations to reach their full potential.”
- Tedros Adhanom
Mosquito Netting & Training
Mosquito nets are a highly cost effective for malaria prevention. A family of four can sleep under an insecticide-treated net for up to three years. Data strongly suggests that families in rural Mali do not have a proper understanding of the causes of malaria.
We offer mosquito nets to villagers at an extremely subsidized rate of less than $1USD. Our resident Health Agents provide vital health education and training with every mosquito net distributed. They teach villagers about the causes of malaria, how to properly use and care for a net and monitor the usage in their communities. Health Agents will often come to the Ouelessebougou Alliance compound to purchase mosquito nets that they take back to distribute in their community.
Every year we distribute around
1,000 mosquito nets to our
partner villages in Mali.
Malaria Control Project
Malaria is the largest killer of children in West Africa. Each year, this mosquito-borne disease is responsible for the deaths of 20,000 Malian children under the age of five. In the southern region of Ouelessebougou, over 90% of the population contracts malaria annually. Insecticide-treated mosquito nets help reduce the burden of malaria, but they are not enough. Children will continue to die without increased malaria control efforts.
In an effort to get to the root of the malaria problem and facilitate a more complete and integrated solution, Ouelessebougou Alliance has assembled a team of renowned malaria experts to apply western methods of mosquito abatement in Mali to eradicate the mosquitoes that have been proven to carry the malaria parasite. Controlling the mosquito will control the disease and complement the disease prevention currently provided by the bed nets. The Alliance is proud to partner with the University of Bamako, Salt Lake City Mosquito Abatement District, and Anastasia Mosquito Control District of St. Johns County Florida, to pioneer a ground-breaking mosquito control project in Ouelessebougou.